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Past Life Regression — A Complete Understanding.

Updated: Dec 19, 2020

Past Life Regression (PLR) is a technique used world-wide for therapeutic purposes by psychologists, psychiatrists and other healers. Dr. Brian Weiss spearheaded it along with others doctors. It was in practice before too but since Christianity in the present form does not give credence to re-birth, the study and findings were more or less not publicised for fear of being ridiculed or ostracised. The credit goes to Dr. Brian Weiss for bringing it out of darkness by publishing his much-acclaimed book ‘Many Lives Many Masters’. As of now it is being used with success in America, UK and many countries of the Eastern Hemisphere also. The realised masters have always known this and many of the direct disciples of various masters have narrated related incidents.

Let’s Understand It now:

The therapist guides the Subject into deep state of relaxation where the mind calms down and the body also follows suit. As the therapist further guides the Subject, the consciousness is altered and it reaches a state which is artificial equivalent of Samadhi (the term ‘samadhi’ as explained in “Ashtang Yog’ by Patanjali) i.e. where the consciousness touches the continuum or the eternal flow. This is a state where the past, present and future meet. In the days of yore, Rishis of ancient India were adept in reaching this state through deep meditation. The self-realised souls such as Ram Krishna Paramhansa, Paramhansa Yogananda, his Guru Swami Yukteshwer and more recently Swami Rama, Osho, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasdev etc. could access this state at will; no wonder they were able to tell their disciples about their association with them in the past lives.

Once the Subject is in so deep state of relaxation, the therapist begins to ask questions about his/her vision at that time. Here the Subject ventures in those zones of his/her past lives which have a bearing on his/her present life. In other words, going by the Theory of Karma, the Subject would go to those Karmas {Sanchita (Dormant) Karma} in the previous life whose effects are being manifested in the present life in terms of Prarabhda (Active) Karma. The effects are caused by the feelings or experiences in the previous life which go very deep in the consciousness and travel to the next births in the form of ‘Sanskaars’ (roughly translated to Very Deep Impressions). In that life, the feel or experience travels from the Conscious Mind to Sub-conscious Mind and then further deep to the Unconscious Mind. The Mind in the current life is formed on the foundations of these Sanskaars which represent the parts of Unconscious Mind. During the process of PLR, the Subject experiences the events in the previous life, same feelings are generated; even the pain in the physical terms may be experienced. But the main difference is that the entire sequence (of events of Past Life) is experienced by the Mind and Body of the current life-form thereby creating a distance between the experiencer and the experience i.e. a sense of detachment is already built-in. The result is that of liberation from the effect of the experience or Karma. As the Subject undergoes the experience, the Therapist puts some vital suggestions to fully liberate the Subject and also to focus on the intended learning out of that experience. We must understand that every experience in life has a learning hidden in it; it is up to us to really understand the meaning and importance of such experience. Once this is done, the effects of the experience of the past life on the current life start diminishing (i.e. the effects of Sanchita or Dormant Karma and even the Prarabhdha Karma start mitigating). This leads to emotional catharsis and dramatic recovery in terms of some physical ailments also.

It is not that the Subject loses consciousness or the therapist has a total control over the Subject. The Subject remains in charge of the information being spoken out. In other words, if something has to be held back, it is possible for the Subject to filter it. At the same, whatever the Subject watches or experiences, is remembered vividly after coming out of the regression.

Spiritually also, we can understand it. As Bhagwad Geeta talks about the state of being a witness i.e. to develop Sakshi-Bhava. What is meant by it is that we must see ourselves from a distance as if someone else is operating. Sakshi-Bhava brings cessation of doership, that means the actions performed don't create the cycle of karma. Though for a beginner, it is very difficult to grasp but with certain practices we can see and realise that we are neither the body nor mind; we are the one who is beyond both and who can watch them performing in this world. Understanding and sublimating the ego is the pre-requisite for this state as ego essentially is linked with mind and body. Once we reach this state, even in moments, the effects of Karma start mitigating. The theory of Karma is applicable only till we operate with ego, with a sense of attachment with body and mind. Same happens in the Past Life Regression where a certain Karma and its effects are seen by a different mind and body i.e. from a distance or as a witness. This process then helps in dropping the effects of that particular happening or Karma.

Spiritually, PLR gives the Subject insights from the previous lives so that the flow of life in the eternal sense is understood better. This is specially true for those who feel that they are not meant for the work they are doing; or ‘I’m not supposed to be doing this all my life.’ {This happened with me after seeing two of my past lives. I could comprehend what I should be doing in this lifetime. The purpose of my coming to this planet became somewhat clearer to me} It is also quite liberating in terms of the unexplained fears/phobias or some physical ailments which occur repeatedly or apparently have no treatment. So in short, our understanding about ourselves and our life becomes better and the purpose of the present life may become clearer to many of us.

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